Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall Oil Painting Workshop

Fresh and inspired from the Weekend with the Masters, I am preparing for another oil painting workshop the weekend of November 23rd-25th. I have so much to share from my experiences of working with and watching Jeremy Lipking, Michael Klein, Daniel E.Greene, Sherrie McGraw and Rose Frantzen!

The workshop hours and program are as follows:

Friday November 23rd, 6pm-9pm: Participants will be seated around my easel and will have the opportunity to watch as I paint a head study from a model. There will be ample space for questions and photographing my process

Saturday November 24th, 10am-4pm: Participants will paint a head study from a model. I will spend time with each student, at each stage of the painting. I will take students through the process of mixing flesh colours.

Sunday November 25th, 12pm-6pm: Participants will paint a full figure in an environment. We will talk about composition and spend time carefully composing the scene. We will also talk about colour composition.

The workshop will be held at 765 Queen Street East, just east of Broadview. The cost of the workshop is $305 if you are supplying your own paint or $340 if I supply the paint. If you have any questions or would like to register please email me at sara.sniderhan@gmail.com or call me at 416.559.6189.