Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Drawing

Roots (Sachi)
carbon, guache and ink on watercolour paper

I finished this drawing a few days ago. It is of a lovely lady named Sachi who is about a month and a half away from having her first baby. I am experimenting with mixed media drawing because I love drawing best and because it works well in a life with 2 babies.

I Woke Up

This is a painting that I did for the Loch Gallery to exhibit in the International Art Fair this past October. Although they did not hang it I am quite happy with it. About 12 years ago my friend Mia Skye put out a little chap book of her poetry. It opened with this quote:
I woke up
And forgot who I was
But remembered a thunderous dream
Of having to be somebody.
For whatever reason I carried it around with me- I wrote it out on my wall a few times- I guess I found it motivating. This painting is my ode to that quote.

2008 Young Painters Show

On Being a Woman
oil and acrylic on panel
This is Alma. She is an unimaginably sweet young woman who I taught drawing and painting to at the Parkdale Community Health Centre.

A Creation Story
oil and acrylic on panel
This is me, starting to have fun with my work again.

Unbearable Loss
oil and acrylic on panel
I had the odd fortune of having Sandra Oh come to my studio (in my then house under construction) to pose for this and one other painting. When I had this idea I wanted her to be the model- I didn't actually think it would happen.... 

Portrait of a Young Artist
oil and acrylic on panel
This is Camille. She is a die hard art student that participated in a youth art project I ran at the Ralph Thornton Centre. 

Stop That Train, I Want to Get Off
oil and acrylic on panel
This is Lisa Messina- dancer/actor/singer/pilates instructor. She feels big and was brave enough to pose for my painting about being dumped for the first time.

These are 5 of the 6 paintings I contributed to the 2008 Young Painters exhibit at the Loch Gallery. The show opened July 5th, the day after my daughter Isabel was born. There were 4 of us showing work. It was my introduction to Geoff Farnsworth's paintings and his stuff is pretty exciting.

June 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things
Oil and acrylic on panel

An Architect of Her Own Design
Oil and Acrylic on panel

Here are 2 of the 4 paintings that I hung in the Loch Gallery's Young Painters Show in 2007. Heather Horton, David Ward, Roberto Rosenman and Kelly Gerard also exhibited work in this group show.